########### IPv6 ########### ***************** IPv6 endpoints ***************** These endpoints return information for a given IPv6 address IPv6 information ================ .. http:get:: /explore/ipv6/ipv6info/{ipv6} :noindex: Get IPv6 information :query *required* **ipv6** (string): * IPv6 address :query *optional* **explain** =<0|1> (int): * show details of data used to calculate the different scores in the response * 0 (default) - do not show details * 1 - show underlying data used to calculate scores :query *optional* **sparse** = (string): * return only specific information elements for this IPv6 address * asn - return AS Number for IPv6 address * asname - return AS Name for IPv66address * sp_risk_score - return Silent Push Risk Score for IPv6 address :requestheader X-API-KEY: `api-key` **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: bash https://api.silentpush.com/api/v1/merge-api/explore/ipv6/ipv6info/2606:4700:4700::1111 **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: json { "status_code": 200, "error": null, "response": { "ip2asn": [ { "asn": 13335, "asn_allocation_age": 4141, "asn_allocation_date": 20100714, "asn_rank": 0, "asn_rank_score": 0, "asn_reputation": 0, "asn_reputation_score": 0, "asn_takedown_reputation": 0, "asn_takedown_reputation_score": 0, "asname": "CLOUDFLARENET, US", "date": 20211114, "density": 147, "ip": "2606:4700:4700::1111", "sp_risk_score": 0, "subnet": "2606:4700:4700::/48" } ] } } .. tip:: Show explain details for scores: .. sourcecode:: bash https://api.silentpush.com/api/v1/merge-api/explore/ipv6/ipv6info/2606:4700:4700::1111?explain=1 .. sourcecode:: json { "status_code": 200, "error": null, "response": { "ip2asn": [ { "asn": 13335, "asn_allocation_age": 4141, "asn_allocation_date": 20100714, "asn_rank": 0, "asn_rank_score": 0, "asn_reputation": 0, "asn_reputation_explain": {}, "asn_reputation_score": 0, "asn_takedown_reputation": 0, "asn_takedown_reputation_explain": {}, "asn_takedown_reputation_score": 0, "asname": "CLOUDFLARENET, US", "date": 20211114, "density": 147, "ip": "2606:4700:4700::1111", "sp_risk_score": 0, "sp_risk_score_explain": { "sp_risk_score_decider": "asn_reputation" }, "subnet": "2606:4700:4700::/48" } ] } } .. tip:: Show only Silent Push Risk Score for IPv6 address: .. sourcecode:: bash https://api.silentpush.com/api/v1/merge-api/explore/ipv6/ipv6info/2606:4700:4700::1111?sparse=sp_risk_score .. sourcecode:: json { "status_code": 200, "error": null, "response": { "ip2asn": [ { "ip": "2606:4700:4700::1111", "sp_risk_score": 0 } ] } } Silent Push Risk Score for IPv6 =============================== .. http:get:: /explore/ipv6/riskscore/{ipv6} :noindex: Get Silent Push Risk Score for IPv6 address :query *required* **ipv6** (string): * IPv6 address :requestheader X-API-KEY: `api-key` **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: bash https://api.silentpush.com/api/v1/merge-api/explore/ipv6/riskscore/2606:4700:4700::1111 **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: json { "status_code": 200, "error": null, "response": { "ip2asn": [ { "ip": "2606:4700:4700::1111", "sp_risk_score": 0 } ] } } bulk Silent Push Risk Score for a list of IPv6 addresses ======================================================== .. http:post:: /explore/bulk/ipv6/riskscore :noindex: Get Silent Push Risk Score for multiple IPv6 addresses * a maximum of 100 IPv6 adresses may be submitted in a single request :jsonparam *required* body (*json*): * a json object containing a list of IPv6 addresses * ``{"ips": ["","",...,""]}`` :requestheader X-API-KEY: `api-key` :requestheader Content-Type: application/json **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: bash https://api.silentpush.com/api/v1/merge-api/explore/bulk/ipv6/riskscore \ -d '{"ips": ["2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fee2:5b0f","2001:4860:4802:34::15","2a02:4780:b:656:0:2fec:8673:1"]}' **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: json { "status_code": 200, "error": null, "response": [ { "ip": "2001:4860:4802:34::15", "sp_risk_score": 44 }, { "ip": "2a02:4780:b:656:0:2fec:8673:1", "sp_risk_score": 9 }, { "ip": "2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fee2:5b0f", "sp_risk_score": 30 } ] } bulk IPv6 information ======================= .. http:post:: /explore/bulk/ip2asn/ipv6 :noindex: Get information for multiple IPv6 addresses :jsonparam *required* body (*json*): * a json object containing a list of IPv6 ips * ``{"ips": ["","",...,""]}`` :requestheader X-API-KEY: `api-key` :requestheader Content-Type: application/json **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: bash https://api.silentpush.com/api/v1/merge-api/explore/bulk/ip2asn/ipv6 \ -d '{"ips": ["2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fee2:5b0f","2001:4860:4802:34::15","2a02:4780:b:656:0:2fec:8673:1"]}' **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: json { "status_code": 200, "error": null, "response": { "ip2asn": [ { "asn": 63949, "asn_allocation_age": 2463, "asn_allocation_date": 20150216, "asn_rank": 0, "asn_rank_score": 0, "asn_reputation": 30, "asn_reputation_score": 30, "asn_takedown_reputation": 1, "asn_takedown_reputation_score": 1, "asname": "LINODE-AP Linode, LLC, US", "date": 20211114, "density": 413152, "ip": "2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fee2:5b0f", "sp_risk_score": 30, "subnet": "2600:3c02::/32" }, { "asn": 15169, "asn_allocation_age": 7899, "asn_allocation_date": 20000330, "asn_rank": 0, "asn_rank_score": 0, "asn_reputation": 44, "asn_reputation_score": 44, "asn_takedown_reputation": 0, "asn_takedown_reputation_score": 0, "asname": "GOOGLE, US", "date": 20211114, "density": 1675813, "ip": "2001:4860:4802:34::15", "sp_risk_score": 44, "subnet": "2001:4860::/32" }, { "asn": 47583, "asn_allocation_age": 3877, "asn_allocation_date": 20110404, "asn_rank": 0, "asn_rank_score": 0, "asn_reputation": 9, "asn_reputation_score": 9, "asn_takedown_reputation": 1, "asn_takedown_reputation_score": 1, "asname": "AS-HOSTINGER, CY", "date": 20211114, "density": 1, "ip": "2a02:4780:b:656:0:2fec:8673:1", "sp_risk_score": 9, "subnet": "2a02:4780:b::/48" } ] } }